This will be the largest and most diverse cactus and succulent sale in Colorado history, with growers from Arizona, California and Colorado selling everything from rare specialty plants to crowd-pleasing succulents. Cold hardy, greenhouse, and windowsill plants will be available in all sizes and prices.
The sale will be at the Marriott Hotel, 5580 Tech Center Drive, Colorado Springs
with the hours of 7am-5pm on Friday, July 14th, 7am-5pm Saturday, July 15th, and 7am-3pm, Sunday July 16th. Parking is free and abundant, credit cards, cash and checks are all accepted. Experts are available to answer questions and help is free to get plants to buyers' cars.
Featured vendors include:
- Blazing Star Greenhouse (Colorado)
- Cactus Data Plants (New Mexico)
- Cold Hardy Cactus (Colorado)
- Desert Creations (California)
- Ethical Desert (Colorado)
- Friendly Valley Studio (Missouri)
- Front Range Gardens (Colorado)
- LA Succulents (California)
- PW Plants (California)
- Prickly Prospects Cactus Nursery (Arizona)
- Rare Succulents (California)
- SulciPots (Colorado)
Please contact me with any questions and thanks,
Rod Haenni
President, Cactus and Succulent Society of America
Click Here for CSSA Information