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1)    General Rules:

    a.    Plant Show is open to all residents of Colorado.

    b.    Virtual Plant Show has sections for both cactus and succulents.

    c.     Virtual Plant Show starts on April 20th and runs for one month.

    d.    A limit of three photos of three different plants, same species is okay, per entrant.

    e.    Indoor and outdoor, e.g. winter hardy cactus, are both okay.

    f.    These rules are subject to changes, updates, and corrections as needed.

    g.    Send photo entries to

2)    Entry Requirements:

    a.    A photo showing the entire plant and pot, highlighting it’s staging.

    b.    The photo must include a sign with “2020 CCSS VPS” clearly visible.  This must be in the photo and cannot be added during post processing.

    c.     The photo should not include anything to identify the entrant.  Photos will be posted anonymously with only the plant name and entry date.

    d.    The email accompanying the photo must include:

        i.    Your Name:

        ii.   Genus:

        iii.   Species:

        iv.   Variety:

        v.    Cultivar / Form:

    e.    The photo background should complement the plant and assist in its evaluation.

    f.    Photo can be portrait or landscape, but should have at least 2000 pixels, and no more than 3000 pixels, in the long direction.

    g.    No Photoshop enhancements!

    h.    Any disqualified entry will be shown in the existing “Galley” section of the website, but will not be judged, or be eligible for one of the prizes.

3)    Website Posting:

    a.    Photo Page for Cactus.

    b.    Photo Page for Succulents.

4)    Judging:

    a.    Phase 1:

        i.    Plants will be judged by an “official” plant show judging committee, to be selected by the CCSS Board or its appointed committee or representative.

        ii.   Plants will be judged according to the criteria typically used for an actual plant show.

        iii.   Five photos will be selected from each category.

b.    Phase 2:

        i.    The selected photos will be posted on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram, and voting opened to the public.

        ii.   One winner will be selected in the Cactus Division.

        iii.   One winner will be selected in the Succulent Division.

c.     All Judges’ Decisions and the Results are Final.

5)    Contest Prizes:

    a.    Best Cactus - Name on best “Best Cactus Trophy” and a two-year membership.

    b.    Best Succulent - Name on best “Best Succulent Trophy” and a two-year membership.

    c.     Prizes will be awarded at a future CCSS Monthly Meeting.

6)    Photo Rights and Ownership:

    a.    By sending the CCSS this photo, you are giving us permission to post it on the club’s website.

    b.    You are also giving us permission to post it on Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram as part of the second round of judging.

    c.     And possibly show it a third time at the December’s Member’s Potluck Meeting, should you be fortunate enough to win!

    d.    Entrant keeps ownership of all photos.