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Frequent Questions

Here are a few of the Frequently Asked Questions we hear from our community.


  1. What does the Colorado Cactus & Succulent Society do?

    Our community is created of a diverse group of Colorado folks who love to learn, grow and explore Cactus and Succulents. Whether you're a beginner or have plants named after you, you'll find our group exciting!

  2. Are the CCSS meetings free?

    Meetings are free and we encourage you to attend a meeting! We always have a plant or two to give out and we're happy to see new faces! A few meetings a year are members only and have a cost for attendance, and you can always find our updated meeting schedule in our Calendar section or Facebook.

  3. Am I watering too much?

    In general, water the cactus weekly during growing season.
    Growth phases are typically between spring and fall. When the soil is dry, water the plant until the soil is thoroughly damp. Don't water if the soil is still moist, as this will cause rot and kill the plant.