
The Colorado Cactus and Succulent Society (CCSS) was founded in 1972 to promote the education, enjoyment, cultivation, and conservation of cacti and other succulents among our members and the larger community. In recent years, interest in cacti and succulents has exploded, and the CCSS has become the “go-to” organization along the Colorado Front Range for individuals and companies to connect, buy plants, get advice, visit gardens, see plants in habitat, and have fun.
Denver area meetings are typically held the third Tuesday of each month at the Denver Botanic Gardens’ (DBG) Society House, and usually include an illustrated lecture by invited experts on cacti and/or other succulents, a short business meeting, a plant drawing for members, and refreshments. Special events, usually in Spring & Summer, include tours of members’ greenhouses and gardens, maintenance of public xeric gardens, and field trips to areas of interest in Colorado. CCSS publishes a monthly newsletter of interesting articles and club activities.
The Society’s principal fund-raising and educational activity is our Annual Spring Show and Sale. The event has attracted as many as 4,000 attendees to buy unusual plants, pots, and related items and to view trophy plants displayed by members. The show plants are maintained on view for the public throughout the sale weekend. Local and regional plant growers display their wares for public purchase and share their proceeds with CCSS which helps to fund club activities.
CCSS is an affiliated member of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America (CSSA), a national organization with several thousand members. CSSA publishes a Quarterly Journal containing articles on cactus and succulent culture worldwide and sponsors a biennial national convention, with the 2021 National Convention to be hosted by the CCSS in Colorado Springs. CCSS members are encouraged to join CSSA and receive this journal.
Anyone interested in cactus and succulent plants is invited to attend a Society meeting which is open to the public. Membership in the Society is a rewarding and fun experience that you will not want to miss.